It is so easy when reading the Bible to forget that the one inspired to write the letter does not have the "full" revelation that we do. How does this effect the context we impart to passages?
Location: Maybe the West Coast, or maybe I wish I were there, United States
It's not about me. Frankly I'm tired of me more often than not. I mean, I'm with me 24/7. This writing thing isn't directly about me, it's about HIM. Of course you learn a great deal about me here, but you really don't know who I am, so that point is moot. But I will say this. The anonymity thing is just great fun. I can forget about me, just be, and write about that which I'm seeing (notice I avoided the third rhyming word with "seeing" rather than "see"...I will admit to being insane, but I'm not crazy).