God Burns Time

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Dissection of Christ: Aspectalism

Aspectalism -- I think I coined a new word.

Christ has many attributes which we can dissect and discuss. And that is fine. But when that is all that Christ is, then we are perhaps on the wrong ground.

An example let's say is His sovereignty. Do we focus ON it, rather than Who it is a part of?
His sovereignty is a "natural" part of Who He is.

Shaquille O'Neal is a 7-footer. His height is an aspect of who he is. But to focus on, derive a system of thought, relate to him based upon the foundation of an ASPECT of him, would be silly. And HEAVEN forbid you relate to him on the aspect of his skin pigmentation! But do we do the same thing with Christ?

Now meditating on an aspect of His being is highly important. We perhaps though, tend to dissect Him to such an extent that the Person disappears from our hearts and only the epistemological aspects remain in our heads.