God Burns Time

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Quotes from Today's Readings

Only through the testings can we enter into deep and full life in God. We can only know our God and His abundant grace as He brings us through circumstances that are a "good deal beyond the possible point," as someone once said. Each "impossible" point simply casts us upon the God in Whom we hide. "Deep" - "Dwell deep," said Ezekiel, the prophet. How can we unless we have no resource but God, no refuge but in Him?

However, our knowledge about what is truly best for us is so limited, that decisions we make seeking our own best interest only draw us further from him.

But let us not forget, that God knew from the beginning what their choice would be and had already set about to use their failure in the process of redemption. Immediately after their fall, he prescribed conditions in which their bent for choosing in their own best interest would be used to help hold their sin in check until the Savior would come. The curses and eventually the law God used rewards and punishments to make God's ways appeal to our self-interest.

The only way to life was for self to be swallowed up in the immensity of Father's love.

Because we would trust his love and care for our lives, we would no longer have to look out for ourselves, but follow him freely all of our days.

when we are confident that God will have his way, we no longer have to push for our own agendas. In the cross Wayne's best interest has ceased to exist and no longer needs to be served. That's not just true of sinful acts but even visions of ministry. He is at work in me for his pleasure. I don't have to scheme or manipulate people anymore.

First of all the inheritance is Christ. Not heaven. Not power. Not freedom. These are all a fruit of the inheritance but not it.

The Father did not give us many things, He gave us His Son in whom are all things. We are amiss to seek after righteousness, healing, power, and wisdom for Christ is all of these things and more, 1 Cor. 1:30.

Many are asking what is the Lord anointing today in the earth? I tell you that He is anointing what He has always been anointing and that is the knowing of His Son. Not the knowing about His Son but the experiential faith filled knowing of His Son by revelation. This meets the Father’s and our deepest desire. This is the perpetual passion and activity of the Holy Spirit, that is the revealing and making known the Son. What is the inheritance represented by? In one word, FREEDOM.

Jesus was constantly offending, especially the religious folks of His day, with His glorious freedom in the Father. He did not fit in their law, traditions, and religion. He was free in the Father so His life could not be contained in certain buildings, events, and religious activities. And it cannot be today! We have a habit of trying to contain the life of God into certain times and places but it cannot be done.

Our need to control leads us back to law every time.

If we try to control our own tongue by our own will, then we will find ourselves in Cain's position of trying to master sin but being mastered by it. Genesis 4:6. You cannot cast out satan by satan.

We are harsh and critical of others because that is how we see ourselves, and in turn how we see God, no matter how we might try to pretty it all up with our religious catch phrases.