Tangled Conversation of the day
Just talking with myself....
Is freedom the liberty to do what I want?
Liberty to do what? Do? Or is it to be?
Be what? What I want to be, right?
And your experience with your wants are...
But I am in Christ, He's in me. So my wants are His?
Hmmm, that threw me for a loop. Was expecting something else. Interesting. Presumptuous too. Now there certainly appears that there is a union, but we are still selfish and such. Now I'm the one questioning.
Well couldn't I say, liberty to do what the "new me" wants, which is Him?
That's interesting. Go on with that thought.
Well I would think freedom is found in Him. Therefore freedom is in His wants, His thoughts, His mind. "Let this mind be in you."
That is interesting. Interesting how Paul said let this mind BE in you. So it's already given, it is just letting.
Just receiving. Of faith. Faith is trusting, it is believing... all of which is receiving. So receive the gift of Christ's mind.
And that is freeing?
Well the mind of the flesh is emnity with God. And the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit the flesh.
True. Now the question then is are those about the experience of a believer? If so there is much we can go into. If it is talking about the the two men shall we say, in Adam and in Christ, then things are more prickly.
Well let's assume the former and see where we go. Now our spirits are reborn, our mind is renewed.
Ahhh, so the mind is being translated from the old to the new daily?
Well I don't know if translated is the right "term" but it's merely a word anyway. So okay, that works.
Therefore the spirit has been freed and lives in total freedom. The mind is being freed. And the body will finally be freed.
Ahh the three aspects of salvation. The past, present, and future.
Hmmmm so freedom in a sense flows from the Spirit, where we are in union with Him, bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh; where he that is born from above is one in spirit...whew...down to the mind.
I see where you are going. Very intriguing. Therefore by letting His mind be in us by faith we find our minds freed. I can hear Morpheus saying something like this.
I have to admit I'm not THAT comfortable with our methodizing, is that a word, God's freeing of us. But... we're free to continue this conversation. I don't think we're building a curriculum here. I guess we're just trying to map out a reality. Whether our map is true or not has no impact on the reality of Christ. Okay, I'm off my soapbox.
Oooookay, back to freedom? So the mind is the "control center" of the body, the person. But isn't this bondage? Should not it be the Spirit?
Hmmm, interesting question. Why is it not now?
Well it appears we can walk in the flesh.
Yeah, true. And...wait for it...the flesh have nothing to do with the Spirit, the Holy Spirit that is, nor does it have anything to do with our Spirit. Because we are made of an incorruptible seed.
So freedom flows from the Spirit down. Hmmmm must ponder...
Is freedom the liberty to do what I want?
Liberty to do what? Do? Or is it to be?
Be what? What I want to be, right?
And your experience with your wants are...
But I am in Christ, He's in me. So my wants are His?
Hmmm, that threw me for a loop. Was expecting something else. Interesting. Presumptuous too. Now there certainly appears that there is a union, but we are still selfish and such. Now I'm the one questioning.
Well couldn't I say, liberty to do what the "new me" wants, which is Him?
That's interesting. Go on with that thought.
Well I would think freedom is found in Him. Therefore freedom is in His wants, His thoughts, His mind. "Let this mind be in you."
That is interesting. Interesting how Paul said let this mind BE in you. So it's already given, it is just letting.
Just receiving. Of faith. Faith is trusting, it is believing... all of which is receiving. So receive the gift of Christ's mind.
And that is freeing?
Well the mind of the flesh is emnity with God. And the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit the flesh.
True. Now the question then is are those about the experience of a believer? If so there is much we can go into. If it is talking about the the two men shall we say, in Adam and in Christ, then things are more prickly.
Well let's assume the former and see where we go. Now our spirits are reborn, our mind is renewed.
Ahhh, so the mind is being translated from the old to the new daily?
Well I don't know if translated is the right "term" but it's merely a word anyway. So okay, that works.
Therefore the spirit has been freed and lives in total freedom. The mind is being freed. And the body will finally be freed.
Ahh the three aspects of salvation. The past, present, and future.
Hmmmm so freedom in a sense flows from the Spirit, where we are in union with Him, bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh; where he that is born from above is one in spirit...whew...down to the mind.
I see where you are going. Very intriguing. Therefore by letting His mind be in us by faith we find our minds freed. I can hear Morpheus saying something like this.
I have to admit I'm not THAT comfortable with our methodizing, is that a word, God's freeing of us. But... we're free to continue this conversation. I don't think we're building a curriculum here. I guess we're just trying to map out a reality. Whether our map is true or not has no impact on the reality of Christ. Okay, I'm off my soapbox.
Oooookay, back to freedom? So the mind is the "control center" of the body, the person. But isn't this bondage? Should not it be the Spirit?
Hmmm, interesting question. Why is it not now?
Well it appears we can walk in the flesh.
Yeah, true. And...wait for it...the flesh have nothing to do with the Spirit, the Holy Spirit that is, nor does it have anything to do with our Spirit. Because we are made of an incorruptible seed.
So freedom flows from the Spirit down. Hmmmm must ponder...