Saying Often Belies Thinking
If "God is good" because He serves a purpose, then the purpose is higher than God. If "God is good" because He conforms to a moral standard, then the standard is higher than God.
Looking at how we often talk about God, our experience, the walk, etc... reveals a great deal about what we TRULY believe. We let slip our "theology" in the cliches and habits of the tongue.
We can look at any man-made thing, such as the denominations and see where the above quote resounds with telling accuracy. We have movements where God's purpose is above God. Where His written word is above Him. Where His promises are above Himself.
Notice though that whenever someTHING is placed higher than God Himself, or in other words God is mentally constructed into someTHING He is not, you get an idol. And when you look behind the idol you see Self. Because an idol can be seen and held, and therefore controlled. We've become more sophisticated, our idols are no longer physically crafted by hand, they are mentally crafted. But they are seen in the mind's eye and held in mind's power. If God's promises are "greater" than Him then we can bypass God and manipulate Him into getting us (self) what we (self) want. If it is purpose, then we can align things, such as our activities, such that God is "forced" to propel them forward on His wave of purpose. All are idols, all are of religion, all are means to somehow control or, if feeling guilty, appease, God. It is the creature telling the Creator what to do. It is the creature trying to live independently of God. It is sin.
Looking at how we often talk about God, our experience, the walk, etc... reveals a great deal about what we TRULY believe. We let slip our "theology" in the cliches and habits of the tongue.
We can look at any man-made thing, such as the denominations and see where the above quote resounds with telling accuracy. We have movements where God's purpose is above God. Where His written word is above Him. Where His promises are above Himself.
Notice though that whenever someTHING is placed higher than God Himself, or in other words God is mentally constructed into someTHING He is not, you get an idol. And when you look behind the idol you see Self. Because an idol can be seen and held, and therefore controlled. We've become more sophisticated, our idols are no longer physically crafted by hand, they are mentally crafted. But they are seen in the mind's eye and held in mind's power. If God's promises are "greater" than Him then we can bypass God and manipulate Him into getting us (self) what we (self) want. If it is purpose, then we can align things, such as our activities, such that God is "forced" to propel them forward on His wave of purpose. All are idols, all are of religion, all are means to somehow control or, if feeling guilty, appease, God. It is the creature telling the Creator what to do. It is the creature trying to live independently of God. It is sin.