God Burns Time

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Toil Article Quoting

Regarding Christian service and sanctification Sparks further wrote, "Any service that is not fulfilled on the ground of the indwelling Christ as the Worker cannot effect the purpose of God, for only the Lord Jesus by His Spirit can do the work of God. Yes, you are called to be a servant in a service you can never fulfil!

It is not a difficult thing to call man to action but it is nigh impossible to get him to stop. He is driven by an irresistible impulse to act. More correctly defined as a state of unrest. Therefore, the miracle of all miracles is that man should cease from his works to enter God’s rest. Becoming the recipient of Christ’s finished work and the beneficiary of the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, is preconditioned upon the discontinuation of our works. True repentance consists of giving up on our lifeless efforts and believing fully in the finished work of Christ, i.e., finding our rest in Him. Here we see again that the work of God is to believe in him whom He has sent!