When Self's out of the equation
If you are taken out of the equation -- what would the perspective be? Would love manifest?
Things are very different if you are out of the equation, if the serving of yourself is out of the equation.
How and why would this NATURALLY occur? When one trusts in God. When one sees that He has your needs fully met and you look no further than Him for the meeting of that which you need. Therefore the mind need not spend much or any time upon itself, but is free to now express love for others. For when the self is out of the equation there is only others, and love is the selfless seeking of benefit for others.
With self there is a point for manipulation or indifference. In other words use or abuse. Because independent self is in the picture others are vetted on their usefulness to fulfill whatever whim or desire self has. If others do not have a viable current or foreseeable future use they are neglected or not even recognized, not even brought to mind.
But in Christ the Self has been crucified and Christ is now our life. Christ is God, and God is love. God being love has given us all things in Christ and we need not worry about our needs for the God Who is Love knows and provides for our needs. There is then no need to seek after that which fulfills what has been crucified -- for we trust (faith) Him Who created and provides all things. The Self is no longer part of the equation and all that is left is a loving walk and interaction with others -- God, believers, and the world.
Things are very different if you are out of the equation, if the serving of yourself is out of the equation.
How and why would this NATURALLY occur? When one trusts in God. When one sees that He has your needs fully met and you look no further than Him for the meeting of that which you need. Therefore the mind need not spend much or any time upon itself, but is free to now express love for others. For when the self is out of the equation there is only others, and love is the selfless seeking of benefit for others.
With self there is a point for manipulation or indifference. In other words use or abuse. Because independent self is in the picture others are vetted on their usefulness to fulfill whatever whim or desire self has. If others do not have a viable current or foreseeable future use they are neglected or not even recognized, not even brought to mind.
But in Christ the Self has been crucified and Christ is now our life. Christ is God, and God is love. God being love has given us all things in Christ and we need not worry about our needs for the God Who is Love knows and provides for our needs. There is then no need to seek after that which fulfills what has been crucified -- for we trust (faith) Him Who created and provides all things. The Self is no longer part of the equation and all that is left is a loving walk and interaction with others -- God, believers, and the world.