God Burns Time

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Christ: Ontic vs The Deontic

Ontic: BEING
Law of Christ which is His being working in and through us

The Fruit of the Spirit is our manifesting His being and therefore His workings in and through us by our receptivity of faith.

Fruit is something you bear, it is the spontaneous and continuous expression of the life within from the vine.

Deontic: DUTY
Law of Sin and Death which the manifestation of self apart from God, and leads to death.

Works [of the flesh] you do [out of your own self apart from God]. It is faith in one's self, the self's abilities, self' righteousness. It is dependence upon our independence. It is the opposite of faith.

Upon this ground of self you cannot help but bear the consequences of separation, which are sin. No matter how dutious we see ourselves we are relying upon ourselves, our power, our wisdom, our understanding, our interpretation, our experience, our talent, our skill, our technique, our upbringing, our our our our our.