God Burns Time

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

In OUR presence or In HIS Presence?

Have you noticed the difference that makes a difference is really a big deal.

Example. Why are diamonds more valuable than water, water obviously is much more useful. It's actually really simple, it's on the margin, called marginal value, the difference that makes a difference. One more diamond (on the margin) is more valuable than say one more bucket of water.

Okay, fine, what's your point? This. Paul's mature perspective and focus versus our overly skewed daily one.

What do we often seek in the Christian experience? For God to be in our presence. Paul throughout his epistles has the perspective that we are in the Father's presence (in Christ). Seems very similar, but again, it's the difference that makes the difference -- where the real value lies.

In OUR presence means it occurs only, or is true to us, when WE feel it.
In HIS presence means it occurs, or is true, no matter what WE feel.

In our presence (IOP)-- God's our genie, say the right things, do the right things and BAM, we get the experience we want, like feeling like He loves us.
In His presence (IHP)-- we're His child. He loves us unconditionally.

IOP -- self-focus, what do I have to do to get the experience back.
IHP -- God focus, it's all what He has done. True whether I feel it or not.

IOP -- preeminently I, me, my
IHP -- not I, but Christ

IOP -- I surely must do, should do
IHP -- He surely has done.

IOP -- earthly focus
IHP -- focus on things above, heavenly

IOP -- blessings through works
IHP -- grace through faith

IOP -- empirical (experience based, emotion based)
IHP -- spiritual, scriptually factually based

IOP -- navel gazing (self-focus, self-judging)
IHP -- gazing upon Him

Perhaps it is partially this perspective of God that allows Paul to be content in all situations. His joy, his contentment, his identity, was not based on circumstances but Christ's revelation to him. Where God is, who God is, what God's done. Only from that point does Paul turn his eyes to his circumstances.

The difference that makes a big difference.

Now this is not to say that the experience of feeling His presence is bad or wrong. It is true, it occurs. But does its occurence or lack have anything to do with your standing before the Father? Nope. It's all about Christ Jesus.