Hiatus MAY be over
It's almost six months since my last post. Since I had a strong urge to write anything.
Seems the theme and crux of what empassions me now is knowing God as He truly is.
Whether I do or not, never really sure. I'm bigger on knowing Him for Him, rather than knowing Him to be right about things about Him. Does that make any sense?
I'm finding out He's actually worth knowing and that having a relationship is worth it even a part from all that He can provide. Though I must admit I still need convincing and reminding of such. I have found though that I'm not so hard on myself about my mess ups as I used to be.
I have found I'm less motivated by what other people think about me. So much so that I tend to want to test those limits, especially when those limits seem (in my mind) to have a religious tinge to them. Perhaps with time that irksome edge, that subtle shock that I try to send will mellow.
What I thought would be happening now is for me to be more relational. But I've found I'm not much more so, seemingly. But I'm confident He knows what He's doing, so we'll see what He's up to in all this. He's the Author and Finisher, I'll rest in that.
Of course, that doesn't preclude driving people absolutely nuts in the process -- but I figure He's got that under control as well.
There is so very far to go, but I'm not anxious about the distance. He has some amazing treasures in the voids between the concrete events of maturation.
And so six months seems to be the length of time I can keep these fingers silent. I'm interested in seeing what wisdom can be dredged from my incoherent puffery. And puffery it is, because who could encapsulate the king in the vagaries, vanities, and vagueness of human language?
Seems the theme and crux of what empassions me now is knowing God as He truly is.
Whether I do or not, never really sure. I'm bigger on knowing Him for Him, rather than knowing Him to be right about things about Him. Does that make any sense?
I'm finding out He's actually worth knowing and that having a relationship is worth it even a part from all that He can provide. Though I must admit I still need convincing and reminding of such. I have found though that I'm not so hard on myself about my mess ups as I used to be.
I have found I'm less motivated by what other people think about me. So much so that I tend to want to test those limits, especially when those limits seem (in my mind) to have a religious tinge to them. Perhaps with time that irksome edge, that subtle shock that I try to send will mellow.
What I thought would be happening now is for me to be more relational. But I've found I'm not much more so, seemingly. But I'm confident He knows what He's doing, so we'll see what He's up to in all this. He's the Author and Finisher, I'll rest in that.
Of course, that doesn't preclude driving people absolutely nuts in the process -- but I figure He's got that under control as well.
There is so very far to go, but I'm not anxious about the distance. He has some amazing treasures in the voids between the concrete events of maturation.
And so six months seems to be the length of time I can keep these fingers silent. I'm interested in seeing what wisdom can be dredged from my incoherent puffery. And puffery it is, because who could encapsulate the king in the vagaries, vanities, and vagueness of human language?