God Burns Time

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Long Weekend Readings; Part A

God's not Deaf!

Perhaps you are praying for a "breakthrough" in some area of your life. If so you have a wonderful opportunity to meet God especially if you were taught God never gives us more than we can bear - And HE HAS. Relax, God is committed to giving us more than we can bear; otherwise we will never learn to depend on him and give up trusting in SELF and abandon all confidence in the flesh. [Phil 3:9]

The point of prayer is not to get God to change His mind but to get us to change ours.

Prayer carries us beyond our circumstances bringing us to the place of contentment. As we walk with Him we learn that if he wants to us to have something nothing can prevent it, & we see that if God doesn't want us to have it we don't want it either Ps 37:4.

Get a Life
After all The Great Commission does not say " Do witnessing" it says, " Be witnesses."

Deceived: Let no one deceive you

However, whilst it is correct to say that we cannot in reality be anyone other than who we are, if we do not know who we are we will try to become someone else. In the absence of a fixed understanding of our identity, we are want to fashion in our own vain imagination images and mental pictures of whom we ought to be based on how things appear to be.

As long as we do not recognise our union with God we will live our lives by own resources for our own ends. We will be self-focussed rather than other-focussed as independent self-getting-selves.

We are the visible expression of the invisible God, containers, vessels, branches, etc, not the essence but the image of the essence.

False-Self Syndrome
that by faith we are made righteous not simply right with God but the righteousness of God [2 Cor 5:21]. The Christian life is not something that you cultivate it is something that you contain for the Christ life is the life of Christ expressing itself through human agencies -His living His life in us for each other

The purpose of the Law is to help the self-reliant man recognize his need of Christ.

It is sufficient for the moment to say that God did not give us the law because He thought we could keep it. He neither needed us to nor expected us to.

To the Saints At...Am I Talking to You?
We would want to say that the believer is a saint and has therefore been separated by God from separation.