God Burns Time

Monday, July 04, 2005

Discipleship: Obvious missing component

Notice there is one things completely consistent in the disciples discipleship. Do we notice it, or do we not because it is so incredibly obvious? Do we gloss over it, pay attention to other things, secondary things, manifested things, outflowing things, rather than the one good thing? What is this obvious thing? Is it not love? No, but yes. It is this, HIM. Christ is the consistent thing in the discipleship. Which is why love is there, because Christ is God and God is love. Discipleship had love, not because they spent time together. Discipleship was good not because it was a proper method. Discipleship had love because love was discipling. Discipleship was good because the only one who is good, God, was discipling.

But what about later on, what about after Christ ascended? So then we must therefore disciple on our own? If we go forward from just this do we know what we are saying here? We are saying that we can do good apart from God. I know that is not our intent, but that is the reality. We are saying that now that we have been given a system, a pattern, a method to make disciples, we can in our own power utilize this system to do what He did. We'd be saying, "We thank you Lord that you didst come down, reconcile us, redeem us, and have left us with this divine model that you've given us in your Bible." What's missing? HIM, again.

50 days later we have Pentecost. Where He sends His Spirit, the Holy Spirit. The believer is not just an accentor to divine historic facts. The believer is now the temple, is now the habitation of God. It is by the Spirit that we are led into ALL TRUTH. And what is the truth? Christ. He is the Way, the TRUTH, and the life.

So what is discipleship without Christ? Just an Eastern cultural phenomenon. It's used in other religions, it's used in martial arts (come we know that only the most butt-kicking fighters have to come from a Master, or have a flashback that showed their abiding with a Master). Sure there are some external differences, but there are these differences between Confucianian and a martial arts master. The difference that makes it something entirely else, something real, something eternal, is the actuation by the eternal being, the I AM, by Christ Himself. Otherwise its just apprenticeship. It is a man-understood and man-efforted religious activity that has a shadow of reality, that has an appearance of godliness, but denies the power, which is Christ -- the Wisdom, the righteousness, the Power of God.