God Burns Time

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Trusting, from the small up

Imagine if Christ had have said to Matthew or any of the disciples, "Follow me." They get up, follow Him, and see Him immediately arrested, walked to the Cross, and die. It would have been an interesting anecdote in a tax collector's week, but not some monumental event. Why? Because there was no relationship. Heck even with a 3 year relationship and apparently continuous hints and then blatant explanations the disciples still didn't understand and trust Him.

My point? Normally we seem to go to Him for the big things, usually when we run out of options. And there is nothing wrong with that. For goodness sakes I'm convinced He does that intentionally. But God doesn't just work our trusting in Him from the big down, but from the small up as well. And when we find that He has ushered us into a deep relationship with Him such that even the small things are put in His hands we find ... ourselves in a deep relationship with Him. [Allow myself to...introduce myself].

So we have the wonderful joy of looking for Him in the big and the small. He has us covered, up and down, in and out. Therefore we just need to have faith, to believe, to have trust, to depend upon Him. The "Him" we depend on is able and He will do. All we are required to do is trust Him as He does.