RQ: Haller, Chapter 3, Lifting the Veil
If a girl surrenders all her secrets to anyone who shows a passing interest, we would say she has degraded herself, even prostituted herself. IS this not precisely the story of modern Christianity? We are so slavishly bent on explaining ourselves that we sell cheaply ourselves and God's purposes.
No inquisition, mocker or skeptic was ever able to quash the Bible's power, influence and life. It took the modern age to do that. How? Through prostitution! By exposition, definition and analysis, by wanting all costs to be up-to-date. By spouting out all our secrets!
If you want to know what is in an automobile, the parts it contains and how it was constructed, disassemble it. Just do not try to drive the disassembled vehicle, though, because it won't move an inch. It will have lost all its power, functionality and any purpose it had. All the components belonging to a complete automobile will be lying before you, but it is still not a car.
A revealed secret is no longer a secret. Diseccted truths are no longer spiritual truths; they are ineffective, lifeless theorems.
No inquisition, mocker or skeptic was ever able to quash the Bible's power, influence and life. It took the modern age to do that. How? Through prostitution! By exposition, definition and analysis, by wanting all costs to be up-to-date. By spouting out all our secrets!
If you want to know what is in an automobile, the parts it contains and how it was constructed, disassemble it. Just do not try to drive the disassembled vehicle, though, because it won't move an inch. It will have lost all its power, functionality and any purpose it had. All the components belonging to a complete automobile will be lying before you, but it is still not a car.
A revealed secret is no longer a secret. Diseccted truths are no longer spiritual truths; they are ineffective, lifeless theorems.