Uniqueness and Special
Here's how I see it. We are now in Christ, and He is in us. What does that mean? That means that we individually are Father's FAVORITE SON! Only God could come up with a way where we all could be uniquely His favorite. And what more, what does that mean, what does that translate to? A sense of pride? No, an emphatic no. It does mean a complete acceptance, it does mean we are perfectly loved. And therefore it does mean we can truly serve, can truly love, and can truly BE who we were made to BE.
The institution thinks that when we are enlivened with the Life of Christ that conformity to the Son means something like the Borg from Star Trek, where we all look at act the same. But that's NOT what the Father wants -- or else we'd all after receiving His life would change into something that looked the same. We are now able to love, but what restrictions are there on loving another? There is immense freedom and limitless range in such. Look at simply the expression of that love -- which is only a tiny sliver of the cosmos that love dwells. Some express it through art, action, words, looks, etc... And the expressions change minute by minute, circumstance by circumstance. We are now free to love, and are not bound to another person's doctrinal conception of what love is. The Law of Love we are under is the dynamic working of the Being Who is Love, as He expresses Himself through us, the faith-vessel.
The institution thinks that when we are enlivened with the Life of Christ that conformity to the Son means something like the Borg from Star Trek, where we all look at act the same. But that's NOT what the Father wants -- or else we'd all after receiving His life would change into something that looked the same. We are now able to love, but what restrictions are there on loving another? There is immense freedom and limitless range in such. Look at simply the expression of that love -- which is only a tiny sliver of the cosmos that love dwells. Some express it through art, action, words, looks, etc... And the expressions change minute by minute, circumstance by circumstance. We are now free to love, and are not bound to another person's doctrinal conception of what love is. The Law of Love we are under is the dynamic working of the Being Who is Love, as He expresses Himself through us, the faith-vessel.